I wish to thank these fine folks in no particular order:
My long-time mentor John DuBois and his son Jer, who helped me with some code examples and
 ... something I am lame at ... programming .... (I will stick to the EE stuff).
Ed Alcaraz for his many VB examples and support. Without it, I would have given up on the code for sure.  What was the difference been a Class and a Method again???
Allan Bundens and Rick Fogle at Quorum Communications for helping with the finer details, like the actual bit rate, not the published rate!
George Isleib at GTI Electronics for antenna ideas and spectrum analyzer plots to that know I was even pointed at the right satellite.
Rob Alblas and his wonderful program xrit2pic; now there's a guy who knows how to program, thanks Rob for the long hours and many code mods.
And Tracy Lenocker for listening to all of my long-winded stories and more ... you guessed it ... software tips.
The guys supporting the LRIT@NOAA.GOV site.